DotA AllStars Cheat Codes

Everyone has playing DotA around the world, this game is very popular for personal gaming and online games. Every version maps of DotA has a different content of heroes, weapons, and tips.

If you want to play more fun with DotA, you can use this DotA cheat codes below:

allyourbasearebelongtous => Instant victory
daylightsavings [time] => If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is alternately halted/resumed
greedisgood => Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood [xxx amount] => extra money , ex: greedisgood 900000
iocainepowder => Fast Death/Decay
iseedeadpeople => open entire maps, no black clouds
itvexesme => No victory
keysersoze => Receive 500 gold
keysersoze [amount] => Gives you X Gold
leafittome => Receive 500 lumber
leafittome [amount] => Gives you X Lumber
lightsout => Set time of day to dusk
motherland [race] [level] => level jump
pointbreak => Removes food limit
riseandshine => Set time of day to dawn
sharpandshiny => Research upgrades
somebodysetupusthebomb => Instant defeat
strengthandhonor => No defeat
synergy => Disable tech tree requirements
tenthleveltaurenchieftain => Plays a special song (WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne ONLY)
thedudeabides => Fast spell cooldown
thereisnospoon => no mana cost
warpten => no colldown / speeds construction of buildings and units
whoisjohngalt => Enable research
whosyourdaddy => you’re Gods, never dies

To activate DotA cheat codes is press ‘Enter’ button, then type the cheat codes and press ‘Enter’ button again.